Landscape Series
The Landscape Series is a new collection inviting the listener on an immersive journey through the new sonics of our time and place.

Saturday 30th April
Room 103, NCH
Irene Murphy
Natalia Beylis
Óscar Mascareñas
Irene Murphy Not just Rivers
Natalia Beylis Prophecy of the Beetle
Óscar Mascareñas Burrenscapes
The Landscape Series is a new collection inviting the listener on an immersive journey through the new sonics of our time and place. It is an exploration of the way in which human interactions transform, transmogrify and transmute our environment.
Irene Murphy’s Not just Rivers is created with a sculptural sonic instrument made from dislocating elements of the built landscape as a study of the Gearagh River delta.
Óscar Mascareñas’ Burrenscapes is a collection of experiences and sonic impressions of the Burren in Co. Clare. He writes “the vast, barren and breath-taking landscapes have become a second home for me in the past number of years. With this series of poetic sound essays, I pay homage to those places, their inhabitants – humans, flora and fauna – and their utterly indescribable, otherworldly and extraordinary beauty.”
Natalia Beylis’ Prophecy of the Beetle is a study of trees from the folklore of ancient woodlands to the solastalgia of modern forestry, using the patterns and textures of beetle-gnawed bark as graphic scores for new works for organ and multi-channel tape."